
GET pids of NLPQL tasks. Attemps to kill running Luigi workers. Will only work when NLP API and Luigi are deployed on the same instance.


POST JSON to extract measurements. Sample input JSON here.


POST JSON to run spaCy’s NER. Sample input JSON here.


POST NLPQL plain text file to run phenotype against data in Solr. Returns links to view job status and results. Learn more about NLPQL here and see samples of NLPQL here.


POST NLPQL text file to test if parses successfully. Either returns phenotype JSON or errors, if any. Learn more about NLPQL here and see samples of NLPQL here.


POST to expand NLPQL termset macros. Read more here.


GET a list of NLPQL samples.


GET NLPQL sample by name.


POST Phenotype JSON to run phenotype against data in Solr. Same as posting to /nlpql, but with the finalized JSON structured instead of raw NLPQL. Using /nlpql will be preferred for most users. See sample here.


GET phenotype results for a given feature, job and patient/subject.


GET a pipeline JSON based on the phenotype_id.


GET a phenotype jobs JSON by id.


GET a phenotype job list JSON based on the job status.


GET paged phenotype results.


GET phenotype result for a given mongo identifier.


GET phenotype results for a comma-separated list of ids.


GET phenotype structure parsed out.


GET phenotype results for a given subject.


GET phenotype_subjects.


POST a pipeline job (JSON) to run on the Luigi pipeline. Most users will use /nlpql. Read more about pipelines here. See sample JSON here.


GET a pipeline JSON based on the pipeline_id.


GET a list of valid pipeline types.


POST JSON to run spaCy’s POS Tagger. (Only recommended on smaller text documents.) Sample input JSON here.


GET a dictionary of report type mappings.


GET source file for sections and synonyms.


GET status for a given job.


POST JSON to extract terms, context, negex, sections from text. Sample input JSON here.


POST JSON to extract TNM staging from text. Sample input JSON here.


POST JSON to extract values such as BP, LVEF, Vital Signs etc. Sample input JSON here.